
Dear future Husband~

Dear Future Husband,

I wonder if I know you or have yet to meet you. Either way, I know I think about you all the time. I know you are out there because I can feel your presence when I close my eyes. Though I may not know everything about you, I do know a few things. I know you will respect, love and care for me.

When I think about you, I wonder what you are doing right now. What are you doing matters to me. It matters because the choices you make and things you do are determining what kind of a man you are and will be. I want you have self-respect because you can't be expected to respect me or others without respecting yourself first.

I know that while you will be attracted to physical beauty, you will be able to stare straight into my heart. Through seeing my heart, I know you will you help me to break down my walls that have caged me in due to my past. We will be able to share our deepest secrets with one another without fear of judgment.
Most importantly, I know you will help me understand what it means to truly love someone because of the love you will give me daily. You will be the best thing that has ever happened to me. As we embark on our journey together, our love will only grow and flourish.

I want you to know that I don't plan on settling for anything less than you. I am working on being the right woman for you.I know we won't have a flawless relationship. I have my faults and you are expected to have yours as well. The beauty is that we will be able to accept each other's flaws regardless because of the love we will share. There will be times that we will fight. I know this because sometimes I am too stubborn. Despite being headstrong, I will always strive to put you first. Though at times I may fail, know that I will always work towards becoming a better woman, even after we are married.

Thanks for waiting for me,

Your future wife

"Better to be with NO one THan to be With the Wrong one~hihihi>,<"


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